We've gathered our all time favorite nuggets of advice from our board of advisors in a single excellent article that will have a profound impact on your whole family.
Trust Yourself
Give yourself a break. Hitting the drive-through when you're too tired to cook doesn't make you a bad parent. Trust your mommy gut. Nobody knows your child better than you, look more to
vaughan daycare centre. Follow your instincts when it comes to his health and well-being. If you think something's incorrect, odds are you're correct. Just say No. Fight the desire to take on extra obligations at the office or become the Volunteer Queen in your child's college. You will neverregret spending more time with your kids. Don't accept disrespect from the child. Never let her to be rude or say hurtful things to you or anyone else. If she does, tell her firmly that you won't tolerate any form of disrespect. Pass along your plan. Mobilize another caregivers on your child's life -- your partner, grandparents, daycare worker, babysitter -- to help reinforce the values and the behaviour you want to instill. This includes everything from saying thank you and being kind to not whining.
Health Advice All Parents Should Follow
Get your children vaccinated. Outbreaks of measles and other diseases still occur in our country and around the world. Shield that grin. Encouraging your child to brush twice a day using a dab of fluoride toothpaste can shield against cavities. Be cautious about safety. Babyproof your home thoroughly, and never leave a child under 5 in the tub . Ensure car seats are installed properly, and insist that your child wear a helmet when riding his bike or scooter. Listen to this doc. If your physician thinks your kid's fever is brought on by a virus, then don't drive for antibiotics. The best medicine may be rest, lots of fluids, and a bit of TLC. Overprescribing antibiotics may cause health problems for the child and raise the chances of producing superbugs that withstand treatment. Keep sunblock next to your kid's toothpaste. Apply it every day as part of this morning routine. It'll become as natural as brushing her teeth. Put your baby to bed drowsy but still alert. This helps your child learn to soothe himself to sleep also prevents bedtime problems down the line. Know when to toilet train. Look for both of these signs your child is about to use the potty: He also senses the urge to feces and urine (that differs from knowing that he's already gone), and he also asks for a diaper change.
Always Say I Love You
Enjoy your children equally, but treat them uniquely. They're people. Say I adore you whenever you are feeling that, even if it's 743 times a day. You simply can't spoil a child with too many mushy words of affection and too many smooches. Not possible. Remember what grandmoms consistently state. Kids aren't yours, they are only lent to you for a moment. In those short years, do your best to help them develop to become great men and women. Savor the moments. Yes, parenthood is the most exhausting job on Earth. Yes, your house is a mess, the laundry's piled up, and the dog has to be walked. But your kid just laughed. Love it now -- it will be over far too quickly.
Know the Best Ways to Praise
Give appropriate praise. Rather than simply saying, You're good, try to be more certain about what your child did to deserve the positive feedback. You may say, Waiting before I was away from the phone to request biscuits was hard, and I truly enjoyed your patience. Cheer the good stuff. When you notice that your child doing something nice or helpful, let him know how you're feeling. It's a fantastic way to reinforce good behavior so he's more likely to keep doing it. Gossip about your kids. Truth: What we overhear is a lot more powerful than what we're told directly. Make praise more effective by allowing your child catch you whispering a compliment about him to Grandma, Dad, or even his teddy.
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